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Parent Roundtable to Focus on ADHD and Twice Exceptional Children

Published on 1/8/2020


Irmo, South Carolina – PAGE Five will host a casual and informal roundtable discussion for parents of gifted and talented students (GT) with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) on Wednesday, January 22, 2020, at 6:00 p.m. at Richland Library Ballentine in the main meeting room.  According to President Barb Waldman, “Due to the prominence of 2E [twice exceptional] students in our district, there is a need to start a conversation between parents and educators.”


On its website, The National Association for Gifted Children characterizes students who are “twice exceptional” or “2E” as displaying the potential for high achievement, while also exhibiting evidence of one or more disabilities as defined by federal or state eligibility criteria.  ADHD is just one of those disabilities and will be the focal point of the roundtable.


Because giftedness and ADHD often go hand-in-hand and can be difficult to diagnose given students’ individual talents, event coordinators are offering this forum for parents and educators to share experiences and resources in a welcoming and supportive environment.  “I have been in education for 27 years,” offered Andrea Wildemann on why she initiated this program, “and it occurred to me that if I had not heard of 2E and how to inspire the best out of these kids, then how many other parents and educators are not familiar with the term?”


The Richland Library Ballentine is located at 1200 Dutch Fork Road, Irmo South Carolina.  For more information about this event, individuals may contact   


PAGE Five is a volunteer, non-profit support network for parents, educators, policy-makers, and residents of School District Five of Lexington and Richland counties who are interested in enhancing and advocating education for gifted and talented students in School District Five.  Members of the organization promote education for gifted and talented students, disseminate information on and build awareness about gifted education, provide enrichment opportunities, and assist families with scholarships and tuition aid for gifted students.