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To Be Rescheduled - check back for update

Welcome Reception and Informational Meeting

for Parents of Gifted & Talented Students
in Lexington-Richland School District Five

Thursday, September 26, 2024
at 6:30pm
CrossRoads Intermediate School Cafeteria

Features Overview to District Five Gifted & Talented Programs
and Introduction of PAGE Five


(You will receive a confirmation email.)

NOTE:  Although this event will be geared to parents of students who are enrolled in AGP, Honors, AP, or IB courses for the first time, it will also be a useful update for parents of students who are enrolled in any of the Gifted and Talented offerings in the District.

Be an advocate for gifted education!

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"Gifted children need strong, responsible advocates, and parent groups can make a difference. It takes persistence of large

groups of parents to assure that provisions for gifted children are kept firmly in place. Parents of children who are gifted need opportunities to share parenting experiences with each other, and parent groups can provide a place where that can happen."


Linda Kreger Silverman

ERIC EC Digest #E515, 1992

"How Parents Can Support Gifted Children"

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We are excited to offer a forum that encourages reflection and dialogue on issues relevant to gifted and talented students and the village of parents, teachers, and community leaders who support them.

Note:  The views expressed in each blog are solely those of the authors and do not reflect the views of PAGE Five or Lexington-Richland School District Five.  
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PAGE Five has bold, new strategic goals!

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