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Volunteer Opportunities

Volunteers are central to our success in PAGE Five.  We rely on our members' talents, skills, and interests to help us provide programs and activities that support our mission.  Below are a few ways you can volunteer.  If you can't find anything of interest below, just let us know your skill, and we can find a way for you to contribute!

Academic Team Coach/Advisor
Are you a math or science expert who would be interested in coaching a team for a math or science contest?  PAGE Five sponsors academic teams and would appreciate interested volunteers.

Applicant and Contestant Raters
Have you always wanted to be a judge on The Voice or American Idol?  PAGE Five doesn't host singing contests, but we do sponsor academic challenges, grants, and scholarships that require judges and raters, and we could use your help.

Decorators and Set-Up Crew
Are you skilled at transforming spaces and decorating for special events?  If so, we could use your expertise for PAGE Five events, particularly for our welcome reception, enrichment fairs, Junior Achievers Challenge, and our awards and recognition program.

Event Clean-Up and Break-Down Crew
Are you the type person who doesn't mind helping to clean up after an event?  We always need people willing to help us pack up at the end of our programs.

Event Coordinators
Do your friends describe you as a person who knows how to get it done?  We need goal-oriented volunteers who know how to plan, organize, and execute exceptional experiences.

Do you have the ability to convince people to contribute to worthy causes?  We can use your skill to identify sponsors who will support our activities, grants, and scholarships.

Graphic Designers
Are you skilled at layout and design for printed and digital materials?  Throughout the year we need volunteers who can help us develop flyers, banners, brochures, programs, certificates, and other printed and digital materials that showcase PAGE Five events.

Have you been told you have a bubbly and inviting personality?  If so, we could use your infectious personality to help us welcome members, visitors, and special guests to our events.

Online Member Forum Facilitator
Do you share Oprah or Ellen's gift for bringing people together for important conversations?  Use your gift to help us engage parents in online dialogue about the challenges and rewards of raising gifted kids.

Photographers and Videographers
Are you always taking pictures or videotaping for social media or family scrapbooks?  Whether you are an amateur or professional, we need your help to chronicle our events through pictures and videos.

Do you know people who know people who know people?  We can use your networking expertise to identify speakers, exhibitors, and panelists for our events.

Are you a frequent shopper who has a passion for finding good deals?  We need your shopping and budgeting skills for purchasing supplies before our events.

Social Media Enthusiasts
Does your FOMO keep you engaged in social media around the clock?  Help us keep members and community members abreast of PAGE Five activities on social media.

Subject Matter Experts
Are you a professional in a career that might be of interest to gifted and talented students?  We welcome you to share your experiences and advice through our newsletter and/or through our enrichment fairs as a presenter or exhibitor.

Do you possess the skill to summarize events and special topics in a way that keeps readers engaged?  Consider writing for our e-newsletter, which provides resources to support parents of gifted and talented students.