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PAGE Five Elects 2020-2021 Officers

Published on 6/3/2020

Members of PAGE Five recently elected officers for the 2020-2021 school year.  The officers-elect include Telesia Davis, president; Barb Waldman, vice president; Satya Koganti, secretary, and Rebecca Albrecht, treasurer.   After a couple years hiatus from elections, this year’s election coincides with a move to reinvigorate the organization and build on its past success.  Waldman, active since 2004, and Davis, active for about six years, will welcome newcomers Koganti and Albrecht to the Board of Directors when their terms begin on July 1.


“I’m so excited to have new members who will bring different perspectives and ideas to the Board,” said Davis.  “Those of us who have been active with the planning committee for relaunching PAGE Five have imagined a bold, new vision for the organization, and we are looking forward to the contributions Satya and Rebecca will make to further shape this vision.  I am honored to lead during what I hope will be a year of meaningful engagement as we look to support gifted and talented students in District Five.”


President-elect Davis is CEO and senior consultant for Legacy Educators and has a son who is a rising freshman at Dutch Fork High School.  In prior years, she served as secretary, newsletter editor, and treasurer.  Along with her volunteer work with PAGE Five, she served on the Student Improvement Council (SIC) at Crossroads Intermediate, Dutch Fork Middle, and Leaphart Elementary and as a classroom volunteer at Ballentine Elementary School. 


Waldman, vice-president-elect, is a faculty member in the Department of Biological Sciences at the University of South Carolina.  She is a community advocate who continued involvement in PAGE Five even after her daughter graduated from District Five schools and served as president for the last few years.  In addition to her volunteer work with PAGE Five, she is a volunteer in various education-related organizations, including SIC and the District Foundation.


Koganti characterizes herself as a working mom with two kids in District Five schools – a daughter who is a rising freshman and a son who is a rising fourth grade learner at Harbison West.  Active in the community, she is an assistant scout master and a volunteer with Harvest Hope.  She is on the executive committee at Hindu Temple & Cultural Center of South Carolina, a former member of the PTO board at Leaphart Elementary and Irmo Middle School, and a former member of the SIC.


Treasurer-elect Albrecht owns and operates a local, small business and will bring to her role as treasurer experience managing accounting records and a degree in business management with an emphasis in entrepreneurship.  She has a child who is enrolled in the Escolares program at Harbison West Elementary School, fueling her interest and passion for education.    


PAGE Five is a volunteer, non-profit support network for parents, educators, policy-makers, and residents of School District Five of Lexington and Richland counties who are interested in enhancing and advocating education for gifted and talented students in School District Five.  Members of the organization promote education for gifted and talented students, disseminate information on and build awareness about gifted education, provide enrichment opportunities, and assist families with scholarships and tuition aid for gifted students.